Google Disapproved Ads | Prevent Your Ads From Being Disapproved

google ads advertising

Explore & Prevent Your Ads From being Disapproved by Google

We are living in a fast-paced world, constantly swamped by ads everywhere we go. Be it digital marketing advertising or traditional advertising, research has shown that an estimated of up to 5,000 advertisement is seen by an individual per day.

Compared to a few decades ago, this figure has tremendously increased and is forecasted to continue to grow due to an increase of digital marketing advertising efforts. With so many ads swamping your target audience, you need to ensure you are following all of Google’s best practices so that it is allowed to appear. In order to provide quality user experience, Google requires that all ads, extension and url destination to meet required professional standards.

Google takes pride in their advertisement and any violation to their recommended ads will have your ads disapproved. In order to prevent google from disapproving your ads, you need to ensure you adhere to these guidelines:

  • Styling and spelling
  • Punctuations, symbols and Capitalization
  • Repetitive naming convention
  • Excessive spacing
  • Phone number in text
  • Unidentified business identity
  • Image quality

google disapproved ads


Styling and Spelling

To prevent disapproved ads, ensure proper spelling and styling such as “Singapore advertising agency” instead of “SinGapore ADVERTISING AGENCY” or “SG advertiseeee agencyyyy”. Do not provide gibberish or vague advertisement otherwise you risk having your ads being disapproved. Avoid inconsistent advertising, ensure clear informative spelling, styling, relevancy and take note of character limits.


Punctuations, Symbols, and Capitalization

One issue many disapproved ads face is proper punctuation. Do not use exclamation marks in the headline or weird symbols such as non-standard superscript, subscript or even all capitalization. For example “@dvertising Agency”, “!A*D*V*E*R*T*S*, A.G.E.N.C.Y” are not allowed. Even emojis such as 😂😀 will result in a disapproved ad.


Repetitive Naming Convention

Non-standard, gimmick repetition of naming convention will can also cause your ads to be disapproved by Google too. Such as “Buy Now for Free 100 Credits” or “Buy Now! Buy Now! Buy Now!”  might alert the Google flagging system to disapprove this ad.



Excessive Spacing

Preventing your ads from getting disapproved can be quite a delicate task to prevent further disapproved ads, omit excessive spacing such as “a d v e r t I s I n g” or “advertisingagency”. However, if you would require a non-standard spacing due to product naming convention. You may request for a review from google.


Phone Number in Text

Entering a phone number in ad text is also not allowed adding text such as “Call 180018001800″ to your ad description is not allowed. This should be done with phone extension instead of displaying it on description.


Unidentified Business Identity

Be very sure to not make the same mistake and get disapproved ads by promoting  unrelated products, services or entities. Animated ads or unclear products and logos are also not allowed in google advertising. It will be considered as an unprofessional advertising promotion which Google highly discourages as it does not show a clear advertisement.


Image Quality

Lastly, images can also cause disapproved ads to occur. Images that are sideways, too large or upside down are not allowed. A clear precise high-quality image should be used without any strobing or flashing images. However, gif images of less than 5 seconds might be allowed subject to Google advertising policy and marketing help adssential marketingThose are just some of the reasons why you’re facing a disapproved ads no matter how many times you are fixing it. They are the most obvious and notable items that you should take note of to avoid disapproved ads for your campaigns. Don’t have the resources available in-house? Adssential Marketing can help advertisers or in-house marketers in troubleshooting these issues and prevent such occurrence, contact us now for more information!

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