Social Media | Five Ways To Stay Fresh 💯

Social Media Stay Fresh

Is your social media organic growth taking a hit? Content getting too repetitive?

In this current market, it is imperative that businesses stay relevant to their consumers.

How can you stay relevant then?

Here’s 5 quick tips from Adssential Marketing that can help you out with your social media drought!

Content creation is an ever-changing landscape; from memes to Tik Toks, we think we’ve seen it all, but this just might be the beginning of more crazy trends and tools. On Facebook right now, memes and viral videos are the craze and most of them grow in popularity over night due to their relevancy to the audience and even trends.


Adssential Marketing is going to share with you five tricks we have up our sleeves that can keep your audience continuously engaged and entertained!

1. Theme

One thing the Adssential Marketing team believes in, is themes! Come up with a thematic system for your content and decide on whether you’d like to come up with the series on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis!


For example, we came up with our very own series of #AdssentialWisdom on Facebook where we feature our informative articles and writeups on our take on digital marketing, because we believe that good information and knowledge is meant to be shared, especially among our consumers.


After all, you gotta know what you’re paying for!Social Media Theme

2. Memes

This is probably the most favourite part of my job doing content for Adssential Marketing and it took me a while to get Aloysius on board for this. Look around us now and you’ll realize memes have become a part and parcel of our daily lives on social media!


Heck, even government agencies have adopted this method to stay relevant to their audience!


Memes are usually eye-catching visually and always peppered with subtle hints of humour, sometimes dark ones. Team these qualities up with trending topics and you got yourself a heck of a social media post.


Memes also lets audiences know that you’re not just strictly business, but there’s a light-hearted element to your dealings as an organization!


Keep things fun and light, but always remember the key message that your meme has to convey to your audience!Social Media Memes

2. Click Here For Free Stuff!

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t like free stuff.


If you don’t, you can just skip to the next pointer really. I’m kidding.


But really, do contests and giveaways still work?


YES, they do.Social Media FreeCase in point


Contests and giveaways are great for product launches as they can draw many organic eyes towards your social media. You can always opt to boost your contests and giveaways and watch your reach and engagement grow exponentially.


However, be very carefully when running such campaigns.


Ensure full transparency to your audience on the giveaway and contest mechanics to prevent any social media backlash.


I’ve had to deal with one before and boy, I can tell you it wasn’t a simple task dealing with all the nasty comments from the Internet. Especially the trolls.


Tread with caution with contests or giveaway type of content, otherwise this will definitely serve as a great boost to your social media.

4. Share, Share, Share

Sometimes, coming up with our own content is not necessarily the sure-fire way to grow our organic audience.


What we believe here at Adssential Marketing is also the power of collaboration, of sorts.


We don’t necessarily collaborate per se, but often we share content that our fellow peers that may have created, on our social media too.


After all, Singaporeans have a saying right, “Good things must share one”


By sharing content created by others, we create visibility for ourselves with their audience, which also means fresh eyes for our content and hence leading to more organic growth for our consumer market.


You can always start off with content that is relevant to your industry, before moving on to topics such as political or environmental that may implicate your industry or business!


Always remember, the key to social media success is to share, share and share!

5. Interview & Podcasts

Now, this may be slightly unfamiliar ground for most of us but there’s also a reason why we added this into our list, you’ll find out at the end of this.


Podcasts and interviews have become the next wave of social media content in the current market.  Podcasts and interviews allow businesses to get in touch with their audience (especially if done live) and sometimes, depending on the guest of the show, it can give viewers a deeper insight on certain topics your business may not have been able to provide.


It gives your social media a more personal touch as audiences will be able to associate a face to your page and content, instead of constantly wondering if your social media is run by a lifeless robot that spends hours trawling the Internet for hateful comments and cat videos.


That being said, the team at Adssential Marketing have some fresh content ideas (yes, it may include Facebook Live interviews or podcasts) up our sleeves for the rest of 2020, so keep your eyes peeled to our social media and our website for more details!


If you made it this far, thanks for staying with me! Social media content isn’t all that difficult to create, it’s more of curating the right content for the right audience and that takes a lot of practice.


If you’d like the professionals to give you a hand with this, drop us an email at [email protected] today! We’ll throw in a free SEO analysis too!Capture Leads Digitally

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