Google Search Console Guided Recipe

Google Search Console

Google Search Console


Google Search Console provides essential web engagement such as clicks, views and impressions for every page.


It also allows users to check on backlinks, crawl errors, url inspection, indexing, security, and legacy tools.


Google Search Console is every webmaster’s best friend.


Food lovers listen up!


After years of constant adaptation and improvement, Google has now added additional guided recipe markup for you guys! You can now get holistic reports on all your recipe rankings and performances!

Search Console Guided Recipe


Google has rolled out new updates on search console, offering new reports for guided recipes.


As mentioned in Google Webmaster, they are happy to announce support for guided recipes in the search console as well as in rich results test tool that helps to validate any markup for individual recipes and identify any potential errors on the site.


While this COVID-19 situation has been causing waves on economies worldwide, people are adjusting to what seems to be the new norm. While individuals are getting used to masking on while commuting or being in public, businesses are also employing digital transformation to better equip workers with tools to keep business afloat.


As mentioned in our last #AdssentialWisdom, we have provided you with some essential tips on driving traffic to sites during this pandemic period.


With most people working from home, there is bound to be a surge in online visits and searches during this period, so how can we ensure that we receive an enquiry?


People are also picking up new hobbies like working out or even baking during this period and hence, users or companies who are providing recipes or workout tips will benefit from enhance reporting from google web masters.

Guided Recipes Enhancement Report


A full page of errors, warnings and valid pages can be found among your site’s recipe. Great for gym go-ers who are looking for recipes to whip up an amazing protein filled breakfast or perhaps a hearty lunch packed with nutrition. Notifications and Google reporting can be done easily to enable a recrawl on your page.

Google SearchImage By: Google Webmaster


Guided Recipes in Rich Results Test


Test or submit a page as usual to Google Webmaster and be greeted with results while understanding the errors or suggestions made specifically for your structured data in google search console.

Guided Recipe Search ConsoleImage By: Google Webmaster


You can also preview tool in rich results test to enable assistant guidance for your recipe. Find issues related to your schema markup before publishing it. These are made available for all sites utilizing guided recipe markup.

Google Rich ResultsImage By: Google Webmaster


Well, we hope our tips will be able to help you better utilize your Google Search Console, especially if you are in the food and beverage industry!Leave us a message at [email protected] for any business enquiries or simply head here for you free SEO analysis and web grading!seo assistance

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