targeted keywords

In search engine optimization (SEO), one of the key tools to this process is the utilisation of keywords. In this article, we’ll be exploring how you can identify the right keywords for your business and how you should utilise them best!

Keywords have always been an integral part of digital marketing and SEO and there the use of this tool has been proven timeless. They are often split into two categories; general, broad keywords and targeted specific keywords and both categories have their own usefulness in SEO work.

General Keywords

General keywords often bring in a higher search rate as these terms are very broad and encompasses many areas that may involve that keyword.

Let’s take the word ‘digital marketing’ for example.

The keywords digital marketing is a very broad term despite it being a subset of the marketing function. ‘Digital marketing’ may refer to the different disciplines, media channels or even functions that may fall under this umbrella.

For an individual who may not be sure with what they might be looking for, the general and broad keyword may be useful to them as it can help them refine their search once redirected to a website that utilises that keyword effectively.

As such, broad keywords can bring in a good crowd for your website, but to get them to stay and continue browsing, that might be a little tougher.keywords

Targeted Keywords

Now let’s look at targeted keywords.
Targeted keywords help businesses break down and specify their services, allowing users who may use these terms find what they need to in a much faster period.

Let’s use another digital marketing specific term to explain targeted keywords, such as search engine marketing.

Search engine marketing is a very specific function of digital marketing; hence when a user uses this term, this will help them find what they need in a quicker period.

Targeted keywords help search engines better understand that your business provides a variety of services and as such it will display your website in the search results for this keyword.

Users that use targeted keywords often already know what they are looking for and as such have a higher possibility of making a transaction on your website. These individuals know what they want and hence will not waste timing going through unnecessary results.key tools

What’s Our Verdict?

Let’s be honest, if we can use all the available tools given to us in life, we would, right?
Our team at Adssential Marketing recommends utilising both general keywords and targeted keywords!

General keywords, as explained earlier, helps drive traffic into websites due to the sheer area that these general terms cover over the Internet. Although it might not guarantee a conversion, it brings in new eyeballs for the website.

Once you’ve driven the traffic in, that’s where targeted keywords take over.

Utilise these targeted keywords to show the diversity of services or products that your business may offer, and it gives users the understanding that your business has what they are looking for.

With that, this can in turn create conversions from leads as users are able to find their results in a more fuss-free manner without having to go through countless unnecessary search results that they do not require.

Give both types of keywords a try and you might see a difference in your website’s performance!

If you’re still unsure how your site is performing, send it over and let the professionals’ grade it for you and let us show you the key(words) to success! Drop us a message at [email protected] now!digital ads help