Different Types of Digital Agency

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An average of 4.83 million Singaporeans are now online with about 93% user surf the internet every day. Singapore has the highest penetration rate across Southeast Asia with regards to internet usage. Statistics show that users are engaging in large data and information for 7 hours every day. FacebookWhatsapp and Youtube top the charts in most active social platforms used by Singaporeans.


Despite the increase in digital marketing services and agencies in SEA, there is still a problem. Digital marketing has become a loosely coined term used by every agency to define marketing efforts that encompass internet and electronic devices.

Why is the loose usage of the term digital marketing an issue?


As a country that relies heavily on the Internet and with the recent COVID-19 situation has had the  government push heavily on digital efforts. There is no doubt more digital agencies forming with specific niche in different areas. Thus, it would be wise to pick wisely, find the right agency with the right niche for your needs.


Whether you are considering in taking up digital marketing as a career or engaging in one. It is always worth considering the different types of “digital marketing” agencies.


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Common digital marketing agency

  • Creative Marketing Agency
  • PR Agency
  • SEO Agency
  • SEM Agency
  • Marketing Automation Agency
  • Web Designing Agency


Creative Marketing Agency

Creative marketing agency are experts in branding with media content such as visuals. Businesses uses visuals and creative flare to attract consumer with eye-catching colours and catchy phrases. These visuals often come with videos and short clips that gives their campaign an advantage over their competitors. Heavy emphasis on catch phrases or product placement of brand which create an impact in user mind.


PR Agency

Public relation is important in big organizations or customer facing companies. PR agencies create editorial for companies and individuals which are placed in social media, websites, tv programmes or even newspapers.


PR agency works differently, they utilise technology and maintain a client’s reputation as being honest, relevant, and important in the eyes of the public. PR digital agency ensure a holistic customer experience, upholding the reputation of the company. This positive reputation and trust build up can indirectly improve an organization sale.


SEO Agency

With thousand of searches made a month in google, “SEO” is a need for most companies. SEO stands for search engine optimization, where your website is being ranked according to google algorithm. If a website is ranked 1st! You have maximized the amount of exposure and reach to your intended searchers, ranking on the first page itself of google captures an average of 71% – 93% of all search traffic clicks.


Ranking your website in search engines is not an easy process with constant google algorithm changes and competitors changes. Ranking on the 1st page might not bring you maximum leads. Landing page of a website is important to capture and attract searches to submit an enquiry. Always understand your purpose of ranking mention in previous blog and how you can capture users who land on your page.


SEM Agency

After much explanation on SEO, we will move on to SEM known as search engine marketing. SEM consist of paid advertising that helps to rank your website to be on the first page. Similar method as SEO but works differently from SEO. SEM such as paid ads require a cost whenever a user click on the advertisement. Thus, we are paying for every click a user made.


With such monetary value spend, we would want to retain such user. Thus, a healthy and attractive website would be able to persuade a user to leave some digital footprints such as their email or contact number. If all else fail, a well-equipped SEM digital agency would be able to remarket to these searchers at a lower cost reminding them that the product or website is still open for his selection.


Marketing Automation

An up and coming digital agency that covers cool stuff. Your chat bots, emails automation, auto replies, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and any other marketing forms of automation. These digital agency helps organization in streamlining their marketing workflow. Marketing automation agency helps to do the heavy lifting in transactional activities such as sending of emails and replying to every single enquiry with an automated system that works 24/7.


Unsure on which marketing tools and automation to implement?


Do hit up any of marketing automation companies such as HubSpot which provide an integrated marketing system tracking of every single email and conversation made with every user. An experience automation agency will be able to iron out your troubles and free up your time to concentrate on more important marketing activities.


Web Designing Agency

Web designing agency are web designers! Mainly your UX and UI interfaces, the aesthetic and usability of a webpage. As compared to web developer, web designing provides the look and feel of every single web page and ensure a smooth flow or user interaction and activity. Whereas, a web developer turns these design and user flow into life!


Whenever you hire a web designer, it would be good to check if they cover both web designing and web development.


We would not want to face with additional problems with communicating and turning your design into real life forms on the web. An experienced web designer cum web developer will be able to build a beautiful website with minimum codes used and friendly to our search engine bots on the web.


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Final thoughts

With a vast variety of digital agencies in the market, it is always wise to pin these companies down and have a study on these companies. Engage them and check on their niche areas! We do not want to be engaging a digital marketer for a wrong purpose. Many agencies out in the market covers all spectrum of marketing we had just mention but we do not need to have everything. It will be wise to think through your marketing objective and choose the right fit.


Ring us at +65 62582826 or drop us an email to get some advice on which marketing path you should take. We promise, we would not charge any fee at giving advises but will charge for not asking for any advises.seo assistance

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