Native Ads? The Differences in Traditional Ads and Native Ads

does native ads work

Ever wonder why are ads getting more responsive and blending in well with surrounding articles and pages? These ads are known as native ads. Native ads are ads that transition from old traditional ads into flexible components.


These new ads match the look and feel of a website or social media feeds. Unlike traditional banner ads with different fixed ads dimension, native ads utilise technology to create one creative with many different layouts. Native ads are designed to fit neatly into any editorial or user path without disrupting or deceiving users, they will still know that it is an advertisement.


To prevent confusion, we will be going through two different type of ads provided by Google. The traditional banner ads and the native ads.


A rule of thumb, native ads are recommended content or promoted stories that will attempt to mimic the surrounding article and pages based on design and dimension. Whereas, traditional banner ads go against all odds and sit anywhere on a web page. An eyesore to certain group of users and disrupting a user page viewing path.

Native Ads:


– Flexible Component

– System (Google Ads) will compile and generate ads appropriately to fit each webpages and content

– Users understand it’s an advertisement yet fit seamlessly into its surrounding content & layout

traditional ad and native adsImage: Google Native Ads



Traditional Banner Ads


-Non flexible content

– Fixed dimensions and writeup

– Advertisers provide completed ads with fixed information

– System (Google Ads) does not change it and serve as stated size

– User sees the ads exactly how it should be

native ad and traditional adsImage: Google Traditional Ads


Differentiating Native Ads?

Native ads may have one or more of following features that is easily sported by a non tech savvy user. These tell-tale signs are key to differentiating an ad from a webpage or app but consumer watchdogs such as FTC (Federal Trade Commission) and IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) are not favorable with these designs. They are a pain in regulating the use of native ads while ensuring that users are not misled by these native ads.


native ads difference


Here are some tell-tale signs:

  1. The published ads display “Suggested Post” or “Recommended For You” or “promoted Stories”
  2. Small icon at the top left or right of an ad, if clicked, it shows that this block of content is a paid ad
  3. Word such as “Sponsored” or “Sponsorship Credit” being shown
  4. “Recommended” or “Suggested Videos” are also an example of paid ads


Do Native Ads Work?

NATIVE ADS WORK!! Based on statistics given, consumers look at native ads 53% more than a traditional display advertisement. Native ads create an 18% increase in intended purchases. Native ads fight ad fatigues off from a user. They are being arrange and fit in different method and headlines keeping a user from being tired of one ad. The flexible component of these headlines, description and images engages the audience if the content is fresh and relevant.


Further studies made by Stanford university found that native advertising dominates a user perception of advertisement. Consumer knows that native ads are form of advertising, but they are not bothered with it. Native ads play an important role in a user purchase behaviour.


Find out more on native ads and how you can take leverage of such ads and increase your sales by one-fold. Hit us up, Adssential Marketing, provides holistic digital advertising tools and strategies to empower you and your organization to perform above standard. We do the heavy lifting for you in marketing!

Final thoughts

With a vast variety of digital agencies in the market, it is always wise to pin these companies down and have a study on these companies. Engage them and check on their niche areas! We do not want to be engaging a digital marketer for a wrong purpose. Many agencies out in the market covers all spectrum of marketing we had just mention but we do not need to have everything. It will be wise to think through your marketing objective and choose the right fit.


Ring us at +65 62582826 or drop us an email to get some advice on which marketing path you should take. We promise, we would not charge any fee at giving advises but will charge for not asking for any advises.seo assistance

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