Search Engine Positioning

How can we position our website to be at the top in SEO?

What are the strategies that is available for our use?

How can I position by web to be at page #1 on Google?


These are some questions that webmasters or marketers have in mind. Let Adssential answer these questions with different search engine positioning tactics with step by step instructions on how to have them implemented and maintain.

Optimize for Mobile


With an increase in mobile searches and users in the world. Google is conducting different search engine rankings for desktop and mobile to be rolled out. In November 2016, Google introduced ‘mobile first indexing’ which allows website to be rank differently in desktop and mobile.


Google introduce an additional add on of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) which is a stripped-down HTML version that helps in improving loading speed.


Set up website that is AMP ready and ensure it is responsive to both desktop and mobile to better achieve ranking in search engine positioning.

Optimize for Rich Answers


Rich answers are when Google gives you the answer to a search query directly appearing at the top position in search results.


rich answer search engine positioning


In the image above is an example of how rich answers will improve your website positioning. This method might be known to many users but do take note that not all rich answers are selected. However, it is still a good to have tactic in hope of being ranked in the future.


To get your webpages shown as rich answers in Google, schema markup should be activated which allows Google to easily extract relevant data from within the codes.


Post a question and answer these questions. If your content is in Google search engine robot understandable format, likely your definition will end up in answer box. Create FAQ pages to better answer these queries and turn your headline into a question.


Content Writing, Knowledge writing.


google positioningBy Searchengineland


This should be known to the public by now. Every marketer should know that content is key. Thus, Google encourage webmaster to provide educational and knowledge-based information to support hungry searchers.


Make your content known and informative as much as possible. If you were to perform a search engine positioning tactic, this will always be the very first tactic you should conduct. Do not stuff keywords! Google uses latent semantic indexing to understand meaning and context without relying on incoming links and anchor text or content stuffing.


So how can we increase these writing with strong knowledge and content?


Always be clear about topics that make up a whole picture. For example, an SEO ranking would require few keywords such as top position, backlinking, technical page improvement, visibility, positioning and many more that makes up SEO.


Create internal links between post and pages on your site that deal with related topics and ensure that your “user intent” is properly addressed. Adssential have curated copy writing tips for you to start your copywriting ideas.

Speed Up Website


Page speed itself is another search engine ranking tactic used by Google. Nobody likes a slow loading webpage.


Statistic shows that 1-3 seconds load time increase the bounce rate probability by 32%, 1-5 seconds load time increase the bounce rate probability by 90%, 1-6 seconds load time increase the bounce rate probability by 106%, 1-10 seconds load time increase the bounce rate probability by 123%!


Thus, check your site speed with Google page speed insights. If your page loads within 1.5 to 2 seconds, you’re probably in a healthy position with considerably good site speed. If you’re out of these range, you may want to check with your web servers and webhost. Adssential provides webhosting services and webpages checking to better improve your speed web page performance and Google search ranking.


Improve “Dwell Time”

Dwell time, known as “time on page”, an important metrics that Google uses to rank pages. Dwell time is important to Google as this act as a benchmark of searches queries being answered. If a search is spending much time on a web page, it shows that their question is being answered which will result in improving search engine positioning.


Featured Images

Associate your web pages with featured images. It usually contains graphic plus a title of your blog post. If you are using a wordpress CMS, you might have the option of associating images with alt text and description into your blog in the right column of blog post edit screen.


A featured post may get your searcher attention, tells your visitor what your content is all about. As a picture paints and thousand words which thus increase visitors and improve on search engine ranking.


Link to Authority Sites


Hear Hear!


We have always been hearing internal linking and inbound marketing techniques. External linking can therefore improve search engine ranks instead of the myth of damaging their search engine rankings, reduce page rank or simply providing exit point for visitor to leave.


By linking to external sites, we do not mean extensive linking, but moderate links is sufficient, it makes your resource more valuable to readers. Provides opportunities in building relationship with other bloggers, create incentives for other sites to link you up.


According to Moz, linking to relevant authority websites is likely to be rewarded by search engines as we are providing knowledge to our users.

Aim for Long Tail Keywords

A basic search engine ranking tactic. The biggest mistakes that webmasters and bloggers commit is not performing a search on keywords. Do not target a basic head keyword which only consist of 1 to 2 words or mainstream words. Target on long tail keywords which will be easier to rank on page #1.

search ranking auto suggestion

We can source for long tail keywords from Google auto suggestion with handful of great suggestion that is high in search volume.

google search ranking related searches

Another goldmine unearthed, Google related searches that helps in providing a long tail keyword or we can have it search in Google Adwords or Google suggest.


These are some Google ranking tactics one could possibly implement and start observing on the results. If unsure on executing such search engine positioning, you may always consult our dedicated search professional in Adssential Marketing. We will climb these search engine ladders together!seo assistance

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