Sourcing for a local copywriter might be daunting to some. There are wide range of local copywriters in the market with vast difference in cost. However, the right fit of copywriter for a specific domain need not have to be costly? As they are the right fit and engaging in such a content might be easy for local copywriters who are experience.
Adssential Marketing provides different kind of copywriters for digital marketing driven campaigns. These copywriters are professional in writing in accordance to blog, sales or search engine purposes. It all depends on the goal and objective you plan to achieve.
So what is copywriting?
We’ve mentioned that copywriters might be a necessary evil and some may find that forking this cost for a copywriting which are easily attainable don’t seem to be worthwhile. However, copywriting is one of the most critical elements for marketing and advertising.
Copywriting is like a call-to-action, but on a bigger scale: Local copywriters are trying to get people to feel, think, or respond — or, ideally, to Google the slogan or brand to learn more about the campaign that is tailored in accordance to search engine copywriting, blog copywriting or sales copywriting. And where a blog post like this one has the luxury of hundreds of words with which to make a case, copywriters only have a few words to make their case.
Do not be fooled with copywriting & content creation
As mentioned in our previous blog article on copywriting vs content creation. Copywriting services aims at driving conversion and sales while content creation drives at establishing brand credibility and familiarity. These however can be interlinked depending on the context and purpose of copywriting.
However, as a rule of thumb, we would not want to be mixing up these objectives as marketing is all about driving leads and increasing our sales funnel from top of the funnel to bottom of the funnel.
Build more leads with additional “thought leadership” copywriting
We’ve been discussing about different copywriting such as sales copywriting, blog copywriting, search engine copywriting that helps to drive conversions and sales. However, for some businesses that deals with an account sale would understand that we will always need a stronger copywriting booster to propel these prospects to drop an enquiry or read more.
We call these thought leadership copywriting pieces which can be used to better engage and communicate with your intended audiences. If you want to be seen as an authority in your industry, a thought leadership copywriting will be an additional booster to give insights to your audience, create a strong impression of past experiences and a bigger picture of the entire situation and how we should tackle these issues.
Copywriting comes in different form such as articles (in LinkedIn), white papers, research reports to be sent to your targeted prospect. Thought leadership is well suited for B2B businesses, as shown in Edelman that 59% of decision makers rely on it to vet organization and decide to proceed and enquire on your product.
Different copywriting, different sales funnel
Different copywriting affects different stages of buyer persona in a buyer purchase journey. Example, blog copywriting attracts users who have an intended or interest in certain key topics and meant to belong in the white spaces where they browse and gather more information.
SEO copywriting gets you discovered so that audience are aware of you, in return your cookies are taking into effect and remarketing your content to intended users are critical through Google Ads, Facebook & Linkedin.
Once a buyer decided to enquire on your intended products/solutions, we would further provide them with a sales copywriting to engage them on the benefits of selecting your intended product. To further engage your buyer, we would provide them with different thought leadership process whitepaper to keep them engage throughout. These are more effective for longer sales cycle thus if you’re running a shorter sales cycle, we can skip the process of thought leadsershp article and remarket these users again after XX amount of days depending on your data that you’ve collected and measure for the best effectiveness.If you’re unsure to start your local copywriting journey to attract the right persona, let Adssential marketing help! With years of data driven method, we can identify the best sales cycle and how we should be remarketing and targeting these prospects. After all we would love to turn buyers from top of the funnel to bottom of the funnel ultimately with our acclaim local copywriter skills.