Copywriting services VS Content Creation: Same same but different?

copywriting company

Copywriting services

Isn’t all writing just writing? Why is there a difference between copywriting services vs content creation? The simple answer is that as with everything in marketing, you need to use specific methods to achieve specific objectives. The main difference between these two forms of writings is the purpose of which it presents to your audience. As a digital marketer or business owner, it is crucial to differentiate between copy-writing services and content creation services so that you fix your marketing gaps with the right solution.

Copywriting has existed for decades! It serves as a way to sell your personas on your brand by creating writing that speak clearly to what your audience cares about.


copywriting service


A lot of marketing materials such as advertisements, sales EDMs, letters, PPC landing pages and more are considered forms of copywriting services that primarily focus on short-term marketing goals with hopes of bigger returns.

A good copywriting service will help you to communicate your product/service’s appeal in a short but effective manner and most importantly keep it memorable.


Copywriting requires a very specialised skillset in understanding what can persuade potential customers to convert and keep your brand at the top of their minds. This is why many businesses usually outsource to digital marketing agencies like Adssential Marketing who provide copywriting services.


How does content creation help my business?

Content creation is seen as a huge part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) activities. It is created for the purpose of creating content that is relevant to your target audiences and is usually informational. Content creation usually comes in the form of blog posts, social media posts, white papers, e-books and more.


The goal of content creation is to help your brand/website’s content rank on search engines such as Google to increase traffic to your website and eventually leads. It is important to note that content creation is primarily used with the long-term objective of establishing brand credibility and trust with your target segment.


If you are a B2B brand, you would be interested to know that according to Hubspot, blogging has been noted has the most time and cost effective form of lead generation if done correctly.  However, to most SMEs, writing blogs in-house may drain a lot of resources, digital marketing agencies like Adssential Marketing can step in to help create engaging articles to help place you in the forefront of your industry as a thought leader. Interested to find out how? Click here to find out more from our team.

blogging services

What sets them apart? Which do I need for my business?

“Why can’t I engage copywriting services for content creation? Or vice versa?” Well as mentioned at the start of this post, marketing is all about using the right channels and methods based on your specific objectives.


Copywriting services push to advertise your product/service or brand and help drive conversion/sales, while content creation services to establish brand credibility and familiarity with the added benefit of increasing keywork rankings.


Depending on your current marketing campaign goals, you’ll need the right type of writing, created by a writer with the necessary skillset.


Content creation is usually popular amongst B2B businesses as a cost-effective method of drawing in leads. Copywriting services are most commonly engaged within B2C industries that have shorter and direct sales cycles.


Remember at the end of the day, having the right mix of content and copy skills will drive the success of your marketing efforts.

digital marketing help adssential marketingAt Adssential marketing, we provide full-suite digital marketingSEOwebsite designPPCsocial mediaemail marketing, analytics and tracking, video marketing, and branding. Contact us here today to see how we can help your digital efforts flourish!

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